The lone wolf is a classic trope that’s often celebrated in American and other cultures. One example can be found in the new George Clooney-Brad Pitt movie “Wolfs.” While their characters are forced to work together, each is convinced that they’re the only one who can do the job and that they don’t need any
All posts by Matt Norman
I’m in the process of recruiting people to participate in a few events I’m hosting. I’m aware every time I send an invitee an email that I’m dependent upon them to achieve my goals. It would be easiest to not take on this recruiting effort, or to just blast out some information and hope people
In the classic story The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway vividly depicts struggle and suffering. The old fisherman tirelessly battles for days to catch an enormous marlin, only to then fight sharks that would go on to ravage the prized catch. Being old, alone, and at sea, he frequently feels too tired to
Recently I went running with some friends. It started out rough, though, because my stomach hurt and I felt lightheaded. “Oh no!” I thought. “I’m not going to be able to keep pace with them, and this is going to be awful.” My muscles tightened, I started to worry, and I did slow down. Then
There’s a beautiful and instructive scene in the movie Inside Out when Bing Bong doesn’t want to keep going because he’s so upset about the changes happening around him. The character representing Joy becomes frustrated and tries to coax Bing Bong to move on. “It’s going to be OK, we can fix this,” she cheers.
Too often, these thought patterns have dominated the way I think about my calendar: Over-estimating my capacity: I’m available, so I suppose will! Fearing let down or rejection: I’d hate to disappoint that person… Feeling overwhelmed: I have no idea how I will get all this done. Does any of this resonate with you? These
Harvard psychologist Robert Kegan suggests that most people never become high-functioning adults who think for themselves. Becoming a fully functioning adult, according to Kegan, requires transformation away from dependent thinking. He theorizes that people need to transform through five stages (including what drives choices): Stage 1 – Impulsive Mind (immediate gratification) Stage 2 – Imperial
Researchers conducting a study asked humans and monkeys to perform a series of random tasks. To limit their ability to talk to themselves, some of the humans were asked to repeat the words “blah, blah, blah” while performing the tasks. The humans who performed the tasks without repeating “blah, blah, blah” demonstrated all the working
My friend Jamie leads a large technology organization. Last week I joined him for an all-hands Q&A about my latest book, Lead with Influence. Jamie previously read and reviewed the book, so he asked really thoughtful questions that apply especially to knowledge workers. Because so many readers of my posts are in knowledge work and,
Have you ever noticed that the lessons that serve you well in your professional life are often reinforced in the most unexpected circumstances? The other day as I was driving my daughter to school, I reminded her, “Do your best on the standardized reading test today.” “I don’t care about the test,” she replied. “It’s