Many people find themselves in transition amidst The Great Resignation. Others have remained at their organizations, but they’re still grappling with questions — contemplating their role, which projects to focus on, what will bring them peace and prosperity in the coming year. While the pandemic may have clarified what matters most, it’s not always clear which
All posts by Matt Norman
Breathe. Look up. Shoulders back. Push harder. Release the fear. When I went through certification to become a group fitness instructor several years ago, I learned about the power of these kinds of “coaching cues,” quick words spoken in the moment to help someone improve their performance in real time. Coaching cues aren’t just for
“I yam what I yam and that’s all what I yam,” Popeye sang. Seems so accepting and healthy, doesn’t it? Yet it’s tempting to expect more from ourselves than we really are. It’s like when I took my son to play golf the other day. After he saw me beautifully hit the first three shots
According to research, one of the reasons for Forrest Gump’s emotional resilience was his metaphor for life: “My mama always said life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get!” This finding was reinforced by a fascinating experiment involving 50 participants who spent five minutes each day writing about their
As I scanned my fall calendar earlier this week, all I could think was, “Woah, there’s a ton on there.” An all-company meeting, several client engagements, coaching youth football and softball. And on top of all of that, we’re doing a house project. I felt a sting of anxiety…and then said to myself, I’ll find
Jennifer began her day with a well-crafted to-do list and good intentions. She ended her day exhausted and deflated. If she worked in a vacuum, maybe she’d have gotten through the list and felt accomplished. That’s not real life for her though. Too many things come at her during the day — email questions, childcare
Social interactions have been key to human survival for thousands of years. So it’s not surprising that hard feelings like rejection, disapproval or disappointment from others can be nearly intolerable. For example, one executive I know is currently facing the massively difficult task of possibly removing one of his key leaders. Several employees have complained
It was a high-stakes meeting. Others had given their opinions, and I decided I should speak up, too. So I did. As I was speaking, though, I began to have the sense that I wasn’t saying exactly what I wanted to say. I tried to convey confidence through a strong voice and gestures, but I’m
Recently, I wrote about the value of mantras and shared a few of the mantras that help me stay focused on what matters most. After that post went live, a number of you shared your mantras with me — and they were too good not to share with the world. Consider taking a breath right now,
John recently had a high-stakes meeting that did not go well. He became flustered and defensive when the CEO hit him with unanticipated questions and ideas about his team’s status. John admitted that he didn’t have good answers to the questions. But he also insinuated that the CEO’s questions weren’t relevant (after all, John had