Browsing category Innovation

How to Change Yourself for the Better

With the subject line, “Worth Reading,” I dropped everything to read the email my wife sent me last week. She had linked to an article that spoke to the challenges parents have in balancing work and raising kids. My first thought after reading the article: “I’ve really grown in how I appreciate and collaborate with

How to Advance Your Innovative Ideas

Have you ever been thoroughly excited about your ideas, only to see them shot down without any serious consideration at all? I still vividly remember the experience of presenting my exciting new idea to the senior leaders in our company years ago. Expecting enthusiasm, interest or at least alternative solutions, instead my carefully prepared plan was

10 American Podcasts You Shouldn’t Live (or Lead) Without

It’s a knowledge economy, and ideas are the birthplace of innovation. Finding opportunities to expand your knowledge will increase your self-awareness, creativity and perspective. As I’ve written before, podcasts are a great place to tap into knowledge. In this post, I’ve curated some of my top sources for respectful, relevant and really good podcasts. Push your

You Can’t Learn and Grow Without This

“Invest in as much of yourself as you can. You are your own biggest asset by far.” Renowned business magnate and investor Warren Buffet has said that the best investment he ever made was in himself. (He often points to the Dale Carnegie Training course he took to improve his public speaking and relationship skills.)


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About Matt

Matt Norman is president of Norman & Associates, which offers Dale Carnegie Training in the North Central US. Dale Carnegie Training is a global organization ...READ MORE