Any coach or educator knows that growth varies by person. Adult training programs, for example, receive a range of ratings on learner impact. Same trainer, same content, different outcomes. As for why this variability occurs, a number of reasons have been given, and some of them have been proven to be false. For instance, some
Browsing category Organizational Effectiveness
The lone wolf is a classic trope that’s often celebrated in American and other cultures. One example can be found in the new George Clooney-Brad Pitt movie “Wolfs.” While their characters are forced to work together, each is convinced that they’re the only one who can do the job and that they don’t need any
Too often, these thought patterns have dominated the way I think about my calendar: Over-estimating my capacity: I’m available, so I suppose will! Fearing let down or rejection: I’d hate to disappoint that person… Feeling overwhelmed: I have no idea how I will get all this done. Does any of this resonate with you? These
Last week a client who leads HR for her company said to me, “I did a hundred things today. Why didn’t anything happen?! I got insurance cards out, reset logins, answered emails, sat through meetings…but I don’t think I drove any meaningful progress.” Ah, the tyranny of the urgent, the whirlwind of demands. It’s a
Last week I sat in an audience judging seven new business pitches from local entrepreneurs. With some combination of anxiety and excitement, each entrepreneur made their case in less than five minutes, hoping to get the audience to understand and buy in to a concept they’ve spent substantial time developing. Which entrepreneur got the most
After my article last week about the five keys to “being heard,” a friend challenged me to write a follow-up on writing an email you want someone to read. Since many people are turning to ChatGPT for marketing and writing support, I thought I’d ask it some questions on the topic. Hope you enjoy this
In 1985, Charles Hummel wrote a pamphlet suggesting that most people’s lives are ruled by things that are urgent. He added that most people don’t do enough of the things that have delayed gratification because there “isn’t time” or they “couldn’t get to it.” Like for the past three weeks I’ve been trying to do
Last night, I turned over my phone and sat on the floor next to my bed to stretch and read. The night before, I did the same thing. Same the night before that. It has become my most important daily discipline because I’ve realized something fascinating: This habit impacts the following 24 hours in a
You don’t need a sledgehammer to fix a leaky faucet. A tape measure won’t do the job either. It’s the same when it comes to solving problems and making decisions with others. Being pushy or defensive like a sledgehammer never helps. And remaining quiet and passive, continuously measuring up others and the topic, just won’t
As I scanned my fall calendar earlier this week, all I could think was, “Woah, there’s a ton on there.” An all-company meeting, several client engagements, coaching youth football and softball. And on top of all of that, we’re doing a house project. I felt a sting of anxiety…and then said to myself, I’ll find