It vexes us all: that never-ending, un-prioritized barrage of messages—from spam to strategy, trivial to tragedy. Since nearly every coaching session I conduct makes its way to the problem of email, I decided to interview Nate Whittier, a good friend and the best industrial psychologist I know, to learn how we might manage email more
Browsing category Organizational Effectiveness
What if you knew as much about immigration reform as you do about your job? What if you were as comfortable discussing the trade-offs of imposing economic sanctions on other countries as you were discussing your favorite sport? What if you had as much of a well-informed point of view about poverty alleviation as you
I never believed my Dad when he told me that my attitude would change about business when I became an owner. Working hard, delivering value, pleasing others and personal growth were all part of my DNA; that wouldn’t change when I owned a business. Until it did. As an owner, the business is now part
Leaders today have greater access to resources and support than at any other time. Think about it: You no longer have to physically be in the same place as the people, expertise or material that can help you on your journey. Armed with just a wifi connection and a device, you can tap into a
An employee has a brainstorm, a great idea to address an unmet need in your market. But it’s admittedly a little “out there,” not the usual thing your organization goes for. Does he decide to bring up the idea anyway? Another employee has spotted a possible flaw in your latest product, the one that’s set
You have someone on your team who is sharp, knowledgeable and well-intended, but their communication style gets in their way. Good leaders step up to help their people overcome these kinds of barriers, ones that could ultimately interfere with their business successes and professional futures. Few skills, however, are more vulnerable and personal than how
Gallup research shows that Minnesota has the lowest employee engagement levels of any state in the US. At the same time, according to recent data from CNBC, Minnesota ranks 15th overall in competitiveness for business and third for quality of life, after Hawaii and Vermont (who rank 50th and 32nd for competitiveness, respectively). As a
“Healthy conflict creates joy.” As my business partner and I stood in front of the team and made that statement, our excitement was a bit tempered by the reaction all around us: There were some enthusiastic nods, but more than a few looked at us in confusion and even disbelief about what we’d just said.
Engagement is a hot topic in organizations today, and with good reason. Recent Gallup research shows that organizations with high levels of engagement outperform all the others in just about every key measure of business. Organizations typically talk about the issue in terms of increasing employee engagement, but perhaps a more relevant way to describe
Last week at our Wednesday team dinner, I was reminded that I have a profound love for my co-workers. That’s not a statement I make lightly or as a dramatic platitude. Of course, we all disappoint, annoy or anger each other at times. Yet last week they moved me to tears because I care so