“Leaders across our organization have found the Lead with Influence playbook extremely applicable as they enhance their skills to influence across the company, build more strategic relationships with key stakeholders and ultimately, achieve our goals.”
Lisa West
Talent & Leadership Development, Securian Financial Group

Positive influence is the superpower that eludes many subject-matter experts, functional leaders, and problem solvers.
Learn patterns for communication that generate engagement, buy-in, and cooperation.

About the author

Matt Norman coaches and advises executives on how to build great people and culture.
He is President & CEO of Norman & Associates, which offers custom coaching and consulting in the areas of talent strategy, personal effectiveness, planning, and goal alignment.
Norman & Associates is also the largest North American provider of Dale Carnegie cohort-style action learning programs which help people improve how they communicate, lead, influence, and work together.
He’s also the award-winning author of Four Patterns of Healthy People, Flourishing Leadership and Flourishing Couples. You can find his articles on personal and organizational effectiveness at http://mattnorman.com.