Browsing tag: communication

Just Respond

Ignoring is the new denial.  Behind our virtual workspace, and walls named Caller ID and Email Overload, we hide from the flood of emails, texts, tweets, status updates, calls and drop-bys.  Other people’s priorities become our distractions.  So we ignore and we isolate. Last week, I made my final attempt.  Since our meeting a month

The Value of Talking in Tweets

Concise messaging results in more relevant, collaborative and effective communication – especially in meetings.  To help me with this, I wish I had a Twitter character-counter inside my brain. Last week, I sat quietly in a team meeting listening to perspectives while I formulated mine.  When just enough confidence in my point of view intersected


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About Matt

Matt Norman is president of Norman & Associates, which offers Dale Carnegie Training in the North Central US. Dale Carnegie Training is a global organization ...READ MORE