Browsing tag: connection

The Simple, Inevitable Truth About Everyone

Flawless. That was my impression of this executive after our first few meetings. He had exceptional integrity, personality, decision-making ability, and everything else to be successful in life. Then I spent more time with him. I discovered that he avoids conflict and can be overly harsh when challenged. Not surprisingly, these tendencies had contributed to

Something the Best Influencers Pay Close Attention To

Recently I’ve been paying more attention to my interior peace — or lack thereof. I’ve been more aware of agitation, restlessness, nervousness, worry, insecurity, discomfort, stress, and frustration. The English word I’ve been using as shorthand for all those feelings is anxiety, which comes from the Latin word for uneasiness and the Greek word ankho,

When and How You Should Confront Someone

A colleague recently made an important decision that affected me without asking for my input. It wasn’t the first time this happened and probably won’t be the last. It seems to be a pattern, to make decisions without involving others when the decisions impact others in meaningful ways. The question I’m wrestling with is: Should


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About Matt

Matt Norman is president of Norman & Associates, which offers Dale Carnegie Training in the North Central US. Dale Carnegie Training is a global organization ...READ MORE