I’ve recently been determined not to go to any boring parties. No boring family gatherings. No dull small talk at events. No hoping to find an early exit to a conversation. That’s right. I’ve decided that I only want to spend time with interesting people. I suppose I could try to seek out these interesting
Browsing tag: connection
Have you ever felt inadequate to respond when someone has opened up to you about their feelings? I know I have. But after I get past the awkwardness, I always find the profound connection makes the discomfort worth it. I had been working with Elizabeth (not her real name) for about six months. She joined
I was given the gift of space on my calendar this morning when a client asked to reschedule a meeting. And within that space, several serendipitous things happened. Initially, I sat in my chair listening to the chatter across the office. I reflected on our culture, on teammates and on the work we do. Moments
Calling all people-pleasers, approval seekers, validation junkies, emotional chameleons, insecure overachievers, and anyone who wonders how—or whether—they measure up! To some degree, you most likely see yourself through the eyes of others. The way others feel or the way others treat you impacts how you feel inside. Are these co-dependent feelings, ironically, reducing the strength
Relationships usually start with affinity: we work together, we live near each other, we both enjoy the same hobby or we exercise at the same gym. They deepen as we validate one another (implicitly or explicitly): we appreciate each other, we listen to each other, we show acts of kindness or we inflate each other’s
We all have principles that we live our lives by, and it can be really frustrating when others don’t follow them, too. Here’s one of my guiding principles that it seems like few people practice: getting back to people with a clear answer after they’ve asked or offered you something. To me, it’s about showing
“It’s not what you know but who you know,” as they say. But who has time for that? I want to be in relationship but I have so much to do. I want to be a human being but demands on my time push me toward a human doing. This tension manifests itself when I
To help bring about an outcome by providing indirect or unobtrusive assistance and guidance. I was thinking about my favorite skill of a leader, and I came across this definition in Webster’s dictionary. Do you know the skill? Maybe this story will help: I didn’t expect to get much out of a recent meeting I attended. I
Following last week’s post about finding and attracting clients, the question has surfaced: What personal attributes are critical to implementing an effective client pursuit plan? Sure, you have to be a good communicator, build relationships, organize your activities and have a good attitude…but what do you need to do to play in the big leagues?
Longtime readers of my blog know there’s one element that’s central to every post I write: being human at work. It seems obvious, but sometimes we forget that core common denominator in everything that’s important. And that’s why my blog is about “leading as a human being rather than a human doing.” Recently, I’ve had