Dan Kersten told me that his rock bottom smartphone moment came when his wife asked his son, Ben, what he loves about his Dad. “He gives me hugs, he makes cool things out of cardboard, and he’s always playing with his phone,” Ben responded. And that, Dan says, is when he realized he was addicted
Browsing tag: email
Do you want to be more productive this year even in the midst of competing demands on your time and attention? Your inbox might be one of your biggest barriers to achieving that goal. Here’s why. First, the typical email inbox is an unprioritized to-do list apart from any other planning tools you use. Emails
Have you ever written an email while feeling angry or upset? Have you ever read an email that made you feel angry or upset? Last week my wife and I got an email from a company that we hired to help us with work at our house. The work we agreed to cost $1,000. Their
Chances are, your email owns you. It’s open on your computer as you read this, or it’s an app away on your device. Your inbox is an endless fountain of opportunity—and challenge. Because it doesn’t matter whether you fight to control it or resign to the flood; either way it owns you. Its constant flow
It vexes us all: that never-ending, un-prioritized barrage of messages—from spam to strategy, trivial to tragedy. Since nearly every coaching session I conduct makes its way to the problem of email, I decided to interview Nate Whittier, a good friend and the best industrial psychologist I know, to learn how we might manage email more