Browsing tag: employee engagement

How the Best Organizations Captivate People’s Hearts and Minds

Engagement is a hot topic in organizations today, and with good reason. Recent Gallup research shows that organizations with high levels of engagement outperform all the others in just about every key measure of business. Organizations typically talk about the issue in terms of increasing employee engagement, but perhaps a more relevant way to describe

A Leader’s Most Important Job

Wouldn’t it be great if you could have more meetings? If you’re like most leaders today, your response to that question probably lies somewhere between “No” and “Absolutely not!” But hear me out… Recently, a company hired me because their people haven’t been engaged and their strategic plans haven’t been gaining traction. Year after year,

Take the Ride

I want to be comfortable.  I like my daily routine and sleeping in my own bed.  I want to be around people like me and do things I’m good at doing.  But the truth is, I know that comfort is at odds with being fully alive. Last week, we took the kids to Disney World. 


It is good to be in a place where we feel valued. Recent research by Dale Carnegie Training suggests that “feeling” valued leads to an increased likelihood of “creating” value – in the marketplace, at home, or at school.  And yet, the research also shows that these places, where we feel valued, are rare. Some


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About Matt

Matt Norman is president of Norman & Associates, which offers Dale Carnegie Training in the North Central US. Dale Carnegie Training is a global organization ...READ MORE