Browsing tag: growth

Avoiding Mental Shortcuts That Reduce Trust and Influence

In my last post I considered how predictable emotional regulation contributes to trust and influence, especially under stress. Here we’ll look at how effective interpersonal interpretation, especially under stress, further contributes to trust and influence. Let’s face it, even the smartest humans aren’t capable of processing all the data around them at any given time.

Emotional Regulation: The Key to Building Trust, Influence and Wellbeing

Here’s an obvious truth worth contemplating: Many times a day, you and I experience emotions while we’re interacting with others. We feel frustrated, annoyed, anxious, angry, nervous, excited, jealous, resentful, disappointed…  The way we act and communicate amidst our emotional states will impact our trust, influence and wellbeing. It Can Be HARD to Regulate Emotions

Want to Grow and Reach Your Goals?

We all face setbacks at some point or another. The true test comes in how we handle them. I’ve been thinking about Sgt. Earl Plumlee, who received the U.S. Medal of Honor last year as part of the 1st Special Forces Group in Afghanistan. From the citation:  “While deployed to Afghanistan, then-Staff Sergeant Plumlee instantly


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About Matt

Matt Norman is president of Norman & Associates, which offers Dale Carnegie Training in the North Central US. Dale Carnegie Training is a global organization ...READ MORE