Browsing tag: influence

What’s Your Leadership Influence Style?

Leadership, at its core, is about influencing others: It’s about inspiring people to take your cue, get on board and move towards a desired outcome. How do you, personally, get people to buy, agree, support or listen? While there are certain qualities that all great leaders share, the way they go about influencing others can

4 Steps to Influence Without Authority

Leadership is the ability to motivate others to risk, sacrifice and engage. It’s not necessarily a job title or position—there are times when you will have to lead but you won’t have the power structure that generates leverage. So what can you do to influence others in these situations? One strategy is to frame a

How to Keep Moving Up

People often want more responsibility and a bigger title. Whether it’s at a full-time job or on a volunteer board, leaders are wired to pursue greater influence. Increasing responsibility and influence is a way for us to be more valuable. One challenge with positioning ourselves for more responsibility is being promotable without being self-promotional. And


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About Matt

Matt Norman is president of Norman & Associates, which offers Dale Carnegie Training in the North Central US. Dale Carnegie Training is a global organization ...READ MORE