Browsing tag: structure

Make Virtual Meetings Great for Everyone

After a year of doing all meetings virtually, I have discovered many essentials to making virtual meetings more productive and engaging. Beyond my own meetings, I’ve trained hundreds of leaders in the past year on how to reduce boredom, multi-tasking and burnout in virtual meetings.  Of course, some virtual meeting fatigue and frustration is inevitable.

10 Tips for Running a Productive and Engaging Virtual Meeting

Since writing the article below a year ago, virtual meetings have become exponentially more common – especially with global health concerns restricting travel and group gatherings. It’s more important than ever to ensure virtual meetings are productive, engaging, and relevant. Each person responds differently to a virtual environment: some struggle mightily to resist multi-tasking; others

Why Influence Trumps Persuasion

As a leader, there will be times when you’ll need to change someone’s behavior or mindset. If you’re like most of us, your instinct will be to put your powers of persuasion to work, to come up with all the best arguments to sway the person. Persuasion, which relies on logic and wit, is an

Life Preservers

We get in our own way.  Impulse, laziness, fear and mindlessness often lead us away from what makes us most alive.  Structure can save us.  Whether it’s a cadence, routine, discipline or policy, we need to build structure into our lives and organizations to protect us from ourselves. At times in my life, I’ve felt


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About Matt

Matt Norman is president of Norman & Associates, which offers Dale Carnegie Training in the North Central US. Dale Carnegie Training is a global organization ...READ MORE