
Matt’s coaching and facilitation has helped Fortune 100 corporations, non-profits and entrepreneurial firms to transform the way they engage employees and clients. He has trained sales leaders across the world on coaching and developing their salespeople, coached physicians and clinical staff on leadership and teaming skills, enhanced the marketing and business development skills of attorneys, engineers and commercial bankers, and helped shared services teams to create more value through their partnerships with the business.
Matt has been named to the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal 40 Under Forty list and the Minnesota Business (Real) Power 50. And he has led Dale Carnegie to double its revenue in the North Central US over the past five years.
TWITTER http://twitter.com/mattnorman
LINKEDIN http://linkedin.com/in/mattnorman
Tim Rogers directed me to your blog. I currently work with Tim at Accenture focused on human capital solutions and coach leaders. I’ve enjoyed reading thru the various articles.
Thanks for spending time on the site and reading various articles. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed them and appreciate Tim introducing us. It would be great to connect live sometime. All the best to you as you do important work in human capital and coaching!
Remembering how my connections with DC made a life in speaking, sales and a life of success.
I hear so many young folks staggering through what to take, learn and succeed at. For me it began in the 1970’s as a student in the DC classroom. My speaking career rocked on for 40 years. Dale was the springboard. Thank you!
Your journey of personal growth is such an inspiration. You’ve had an impact on me and many others. It’s incredible that Dale Carnegie made such a difference for you. Thank you!
Matt, I just finished reading your book for patterns of healthy people. I absolutely loved it. I believe I met you before at one of the Dale Carnegie events. Donna Cookson and I Own the Sacramento franchise. I appreciate your vulnerability In sharing your struggles with anxiety. I too had struggled majority of my adult life in that area. Thank you for writing this book, find tremendous value in the words and techniques that you have provided.
Thomas, thank you for your thoughtful comments and for reading the book. I’m so glad you loved it. Thank you for your vulnerability also. I hope we can connect soon.